EUDYS® REF at a glance

Document your Excel®1 documents landscape

Find the source of the data used in your Excel® formulas

Microsoft® Excel®1 is one of the most used software worldwide. Since Excel® is a versatile software addressing multiple and various needs, it is virtually used by all departments and all employees of companies. In addition, Excel® allows employees to create their own working applications.

Many Excel® documents and applications are not managed or known in companies

These Excel® documents and applications are often scattered throughout the company, share data and contain links and formulas pointing to each other.
They also often contain substantial amount of business data and play a key role in the organization business processes.
Experience shows that companies do not keep systematically track of all these Excel® documents and applications.

Excel® documents are often part of key business process. You cannot afford:

  • To ignore which Excel® document or Excel® applications are key for the proper execution of their business processes
  • To have these critical Excel® document or applications not properly maintained (single points of failure)
  • To have all applications including Excel® applications not, known, maintained and not controlled by the IT department
  • To ignore how many Excel® applications developed by employees are actually in use in the company (End User Computing)
  • To ignore which Excel® documents contain which critical or confidential data
  • To have critical or confidential data replicated in several Excel® documents (who has the truth ?)

The EUDYS® REF solution helps your company to:

  • Track its Excel® documents and get a consolidated view of which document points to which document
  • Create a navigable graphical map of cross-referenced Excel® documents
  • Identify, locate and document pieces of data stored in these documents (cell content, formulas)

EUDYS® REF at a glance

1 Microsoft® and Excel® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.