Simplify your multi criteria Excel® data search
Easily find, copy or export Excel® data
Microsoft®1 Excel®1 is one of the most used software worldwide providing notably very powerful functionality to manipulate and filter your data.
Searching for specific data in a table based on multiple criteria can be cumbersome:
- You have to activate the filtering option
- For each of the criteria, go to the corresponding column header
- Selecting the appropriate value browsing a potentially huge list
- Or set the desired criterion and operator (begins with, contains, smaller or bigger than, …)
- Knowing which filtering criteria are active requires to display the filter menu of each filtered column
EUDYS® SCH simplifies this process by helping you to:
- Select several criteria2 at once
- Filter data based on these criteria in one click
- View all applied criteria at once from a single form
- Change, pick, add or remove criteria dynamically
- Copy automatically the selected data in the clipboard
- Export the selected data in a new Excel® document
All this from a single easy and intuitive graphical interface
1 Microsoft® and Excel® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
2 one value or operator per criterion.